Contoh Soal Public Announcement

Contoh Soal Public Announcement Pay attention to the following written announcement about the road closure in Merdeka Street.
The above text, entitled Temporary Road Closure, is a written announcement text. In the text, you can see that the Traffic Controller is the one who has responsibility to this announcement. Here, the Traffic Controller tried to give information to the public by making a written announcement. The announcement tells us that the selected roads above (Asia Afrika Street, Merdeka Street, and Dago Street) will be closed to traffic on Thursday, 12 November 2015 from 3.00 p.m to 6 p.m. The reason underlying this announcement is to facilitate a parade to commemorate the event of Konperensi Asia Afrika. Therefore, by reading this announcement, it is hoped that people should avoid those selected roads on the selected date. In addition, the Traffic Controller also put a further information to be consulted.
After reading the announcement text above, so what does an announcement text mean? Today’s lesson that will be learnt is about an announcement text.
An announcement text is a text (written or spoken) which describes a notification about something. The aim of making an announcement text is to notify public about that particular notification. When you want to make an announcement text, the following are aspects should be taken into account.
  1. Generic structure of an announcement text.
  2. Language features of an announcement text.

Generic Structure

Below are the explanation of generic structure of a descriptive text:
The head of an announcement text is the title of the announcement. In the head, the main information of the announcement will be put here. Example:
  • An announcement about the road closure will be entitled: “The Road Closure along.......”
  • An announcement about the flight departure in an airport will be entitled: “Flight Departure”.
The body of an announcement text is the main content of the announcement. In the body, we can find the content of the information, the date, the places, etc.
Example: see the detail information (the date and the selected places) in the example of announcement text entitled “Temporary Road Closure”.
This part contains the further information about the announcement. For example, in the text entitled “Temporary Road Closure”, you find the further detail mentioned in the text, that is the reader can consult to:
This part is the information about someone/institution who has responsibility to the announcement.

Language Features

Below are the explanation of language features of an announcement text:
Using simple present tense
Announcement text generally uses simple present tense. 
The Hand Shop temporarily moves to Bandung Department Store.
There is no conjunction (generally)
Announcement texts mostly use simple sentence, therefore conjunctions are rarely found.
Date, time, and place
Most of announcement text uses date or time or place or location or the combination of them.
The Hand Shop temporarily moves to Bandung Department Store.

Contoh Soal Public Announcement

Notices can also considered as public announcement since it tells and persuades people to do or not to do something. Define the message based of the above picture.
From the announcement above, we can infer that ....
Based on the announcement above, if you want to go to Palembang, then you should ....
Choose the correct statement, according to the information that you have.
The reason why the the announcement was made was....
The following information are true based on the recording, EXCEPT....
You hear the following announcement in the supermarket:
“Attention to all customers of Brilliant and Co Super Store. In thirty minutes, Brilliant and Co Supper Store will be closed. Please finish your activities in thirty minutes. The Brilliant and Co Super Store will open tomorrow at 10 a.m. Thank you ”
From the announcement above, if the store closes at 10 p.m, the above information will be announced at....
The announcement above functions to....
You hear the following announcement in an airplane:
“Ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes, the flight attendants will be passing around to give you meals and drinks. Now, please sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight. Thank you”.
The underlined phrase can be replaced by...
The best answer to fill the activities are probably....
Suka Berbagi, Suka Belajar, Juga Suka Kamu, Iya Kamu!
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